Cyber Security
Keeping you and your data safe
What is Cyber Security?
Cyber Security is the protection of computer systems, networks, and other related IT equipment from information disclosure, theft, damage to hardware, software, or data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of services they provide.
Who needs cyber security?
Everyone that is on the internet. Most cyber attacks are automated and aim to exploit common known vulnerabilities rather tahn specific websites or organizations.

Why do I need cyber security?
A breach is expensive
According to a report from IBM 2021 had the highest average cost for data breaches in 17 years. The cost rose from USD 3.86 million to USD 4.24 million and the average cost was USD 1.07 million higher where remote work was a factor.
Attacks are increasingly sophisticated
Cyber attacks continue to grow in sophistication, with attackers using an ever-expanding varierty of tactics. Attacks include social engineering, malware, ransomware, and phishing.
Cyber crime is big business
Attackers are motivated by money. According to The hidden costs of cybercrime, a 2020 study carried out by McAfee and the CSIS (Center for Strategic and International Studies), based on data collected by Vanson Bourne, the world economy losts more than $1 trillion each year. Attackers are also motivated by political, ethical, and social incentives.
What is Endpoint Security?
For businesses and for those who need a more robust security solution we offer endpoint security. As an essential tool for any network that includes more than just a handful of devices Endpoint Security can provide a variety of benefits:
- Threat Monitoring: by monitoring for and finding threats on a continous basis, you are in a stronger position to address them before a serious security incident occurs.
- Avoid Downtime: Proactive endpoint monitoring can help prevent serious security issues that would disrupt your operations.
- Detect Vulnerable Endpoints: Endpoints running unpatched software or hosting insecure ports can be detected and isolated.
Although Security won’t be the sole basis of your security strategy – data securty and application security are equally important – but it forms one essential security pillar for any modern oganization.
Why did we choose Bitdefender?
Bitdefender continously outperforms the competition in all majors areas.
- Protection – Most Effective – ranked 1st consistently and across different test, e.g. AV-Copmparatives APT tests and MITRE ATT&CK
- Management – More unified, proactive and integrated – Includes Next-Gen AV, Content and Device Control, Web protection and IDS, Patch Management, Encryption, Cloud Security, EDR, all consolidated, streamlining security. More threats are prevented automatically rather than detected manually, drastically reducing investigation times and chances of data breaches.
- Powered by AI Technologies – Bitdefender has been using and perfecting AI and behavioral technologies for over a decade and demonstrates their effectiveness in tests against unknown threats.